Here it is the last thing I wasted my time in: A Fon memorandum to help them build a better network.
Yeah, I also think that I waste a lot of time with different things, but I just felt that to present all my thoughts about Fon would help them a LOT to develop their WiFi network.
RaycoHM Fon Memo from Rayco on Vimeo.
Update: They answered:
""""Hi Ray,
Thank you very much for your memo, I found it very interesting. Mesh is something that we have been debating about and certainly something for the future of FON, when there is better density of points.
Thanks again for your insight and good work.
Best Regards,
Diego Cabezudo
It is always nice to know that someone inside has viewed it. I hope it will be useful, at least in the brainstorming of the Next FON.